Primary opponent accuses Istook of sponsoring Illegal Immigrants
Congressman and Republican candidate for Governor Ernest Istook, is being accused of grandstanding on the issue of illegal immigration. Bob Sullivan, Istook’s opponent in the Republican primary, questioned Istook’s position on illegal immigration. Sullivan pointed to a bill sponsored by Congressman Istook that granted permanent-resident status to two Iranian illegal aliens.
Tulsa Today (excerpt)
Sullivan pointed out that in the past, Ernest Istook has been more than accommodating to nations that support their residents flooding across our borders illegally, but now that he knows his anointing as the Republican gubernatorial candidate is in danger, he finally decides to act.
“Let us not forget – Ernest Istook sponsored an egregious bill that became law (H.R. 848,1999), granting permanent-resident status to two Iranian illegal aliens, and Istook has been AWOL on illegal immigration, until he made the decision to run for Governor,” said Sullivan. “The people of Oklahoma know better and the Republican voters in Oklahoma should call Ernest and ask him where he has been hiding for the last fourteen years.”
Posted at 6/21/2006 01:10:00 PM