Has concerns for victims families
Congressman Dan Rohrbacher, Chairman of the International Relations Subcommitee on Oversight and Investigations is planning to chair hearings on possible foreign involvement in the Murrah Federal Building bombing. He believes the connection between the conspirators- Tim McVey and Terry Nichols - and foreigners has never been investigated fully. Congressman Istook disagrees and expresses his concern for the families that will have to relive this tragedy once the hearings are convened.
"I'm afraid we have to get used to this. Every few years someone wants to revisit the Kennedy assassination, and every few years someone will want to revisit the Murrah Building bombing. I feel for the families who have to relive tragic memories every time this happens."
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) A California Congressman says he plans to hold a hearing on possible foreign ties to the Oklahoma City bombing.
The Oklahoman reported from its Washington bureau that Republican Representative Dana Rohrabacher announced Thursday that he will hold a hearing this fall on the topic.
He says he's been "personally" researching the bombing and met with convicted conspirator Terry Nichol in prison in Colorado.
Posted at 6/12/2006 08:52:00 AM