Sullivan attacks Istook Just one week into the paid TV and radio phase of the Republican primary race for governor, the first negative ads have hit the airwaves. Bob Sullivan, a Tulsa oilman and candidate for the GOP nomination, announced that he will go up on TV today with an ad attacking Congressman Ernest Istook’s record as a fiscal conservative.
Sullivan, who was interviewed this morning on 740 KRMG, believed that the ad was not in violation of the “11th Commandment” pledge he signed promising not to attack fellow Republicans.
He went on to say that Istook “has developed a spending habit that we just don’t need in the governor’s office.” Referring to his charges of Istook’s overspending Sullivan promised that“[his campaign] will be providing a list, for anyone that wants to look at it.”
Chip Englander, Congressman Istook’s campaign manager denounced the attack ad, saying that, “Sullivan’s attack ad may have reached a new low in the realm of political desperation. The manner in which Sullivan attacks Congressman Istook is insulting, juvenile and, most wretchedly dishonest.”
“Bob Sullivan will say, or do anything to win this election, “Englander said, “If there was a shred of truth to this why did Bob Sullivan donate to Congressman Istook’s re-election campaign less than 2 years ago?”
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett, a candidate to fill Istook’s Fifth District Congressional seat, jumped into the fray as well, issuing a press release where he called Istook “a national leader among conservatives.” Cornett, who remains the only CD-5 candidate to endorse Congressman Istook, went on to say, “Congressman Ernest Istook has built a solid record working to fight the war on terror, reduce spending, improve education, combat illegal immigration and represent Oklahoma with amazing dedication in Congress.”
The Oklahoma Political News Service will examine the ad in detail
Posted at 6/22/2006 05:48:00 PM