Declares Sullivan broke 11th commandment pledge
The controversy over Bob Sullivan's attack ad continues to grow, as county GOP Chairmen call for Sullivan to take down the ad.
Republican leaders and grassroots activists Angie LaPlante, Debra Henley, Nathan Bouvia, and James Cruson, sent an email sent around the state calling for Sullivan to take down an ad which attacks Congressman Istook’s record as a fiscal conservative.
The Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to report on the emerging controversy.
Below is a complete transcript of the email:
June 22, 2006
Mr. Bob Sullivan
1601 S. Main, Ste. 102
Tulsa, OK 74119
Dear Mr. Sullivan,
As Republican Party Chairmen we’re very concerned by the tone and tenor of your campaign. Your ad is a gross violation of the 11th commandment pledge you recently signed to be fair and honest. It distorts the actual record of Ernest Istook.
The thrust of your attack against Congressman Istook does not square with Congressman Istook’s actual record.
For example:
* He’s the principle author of the balanced budget amendment
* Congressman Istook was the only Chairman of an Appropriations Subcommittee who spent less than inflation over the entire time he was a Chairman. He lost his chairmanship for opposing pork barrel spending.
* That’s why no less an authority than Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform said, “Ernest Istook is one of the few members of Congress – Republican or Democrat – who has stayed faithful not just to the fight for lower taxes, but also to the conservative doctrine of spending discipline.
“Even when it meant standing up to the leaders of his own party, Ernest Istook has worked hard to rein in spending.
“Unfortunately, his has too often been a rare voice in the Washington wilderness of political and economic excess.
“Ernest Istook’s courageous stand in the face of overwhelming political pressure proves he is exactly the kind of principled, honest, and responsible governor Oklahoma needs to strengthen the economy and create better, higher paying jobs for working families.”
As we all know Congressman Istook has been recognized by a variety of organizations including Citizens Against Government Waste, Chamber of Commerce, National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Tax Reform, National Associated Businessmen, National Federation of Independent Businessmen and others have honored him for his fiscal discipline and his record of reducing taxes and fighting government waste.
We find it odd that 2 years ago, before you were a candidate for Governor against Ernest Istook, you supported him and made a financial contribution to his campaign.
We can only assume that your present candidacy is what motivates your current attacks on Congressman Istook. Because his record is consistent with what it was 2 years ago when you donated to his campaign.
As Republican County Chairmen we’re concerned your distortions of Congressman Istook’s record threatens our opportunity to win the Governor’s race in November. We urge you to cease and desist from your unfair and untruthful full attacks on Ernest Istook.
We call on you to stop this negative advertisement immediately.
Angie LaPlante
Republican Party of Oklahoma County
Debra Henley
Republican Party of Creek County
Nathan Bouvia
Republican Party of Comanche County
James Cruson
Republican Party of Murray County
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Posted at 6/26/2006 12:15:00 PM