Cites Oklahoma's lack of mass transit
Seven months after 9/11, Kevin Calvey voted to allow Oklahoma residents to take their written driver's license test in Spanish. His justification for his vote:
"When you can't get a driver's license, you can't get insurance, and you will drive illegally because Oklahoma doesn't have mass transit."
A driver's inability to read road signs or warnings, not only endangers his or her own life, but also the lives of other drivers. Second, what does this measure say about America's time honored tradition of immigrants assimilating into our culture by learning English?
Supporters of the bill said it was needed because it would enable many Oklahoma drivers to take the written test in Spanish, although they could not pass it in English. It seems the real question that should have been asked is: "why can't these folks speak English? The supporters also said they felt drivers could negotiate Oklahoma's roads if they displayed a competent knowledge of rules and etiquette, regardless of the test's language.
Posted at 6/15/2006 09:11:00 AM