Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Blame Game
Governor Henry has assured us again that when lawmakers return to the Capitol this week, a budget agreement will have finally been reached. As Oklahoma Political News Service pointed out last week, the agreement reached between Speaker Hiett and Senate President Pro Tem Mike Morgan, is eerily similar to what was proposed during the session. It is estimated that it will take three days to pass the budget. The extra three days will cost taxpayers about $100,000.
Of course, both sides blame the other for the impasse. The new speaker designate, Lance Cargill said, "Our hand was forced into a special session. And the taxpayers are going to pay for it." Morgan countered with, "We could have had a deal weeks ago if Republicans had just been willing then to do the right thing for Oklahoma." Morgan's comment is a little disingenuous, especially when you note that back in March, Democrats were hinting at a special session. Just last week, they said they were determined to stay "as long as it takes."
Posted at 6/20/2006 10:19:00 AM