It is clear that the ads currently running for Kevin Calvey are not being paid for by his campaign. The question is who is paying for them?
The ad’s disclaimer reads
“Paid for by Club for Growth State Action” leading one to assume that it is the national Club for Growth organization behind the commercials. However, Club for Growth’s David Keating said the state action club is part of an "umbrella group" for a handful of state affiliates of the Club for Growth. However, Oklahoma is
"not listed among the few states that have affiliates." Keating explained that Club for Growth State Action was "lobbying-type organization" with its own board of directors, office and a different tax status than CFG
(Casteel, Daily Oklahoman, 6/24).
Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to investigate.
Posted at 6/30/2006 11:37:00 AM