The Associated Press
OKLAHOMA CITY State and federal authorities yesterday announced the formation of a metropolitan gang task force to fight what they say is a growing problem of gang crime and violence in the Oklahoma City area.
U.S Attorney John Richter and Oklahoma County District Attorney Wes Lane said gang members have taken control of streets and neighborhoods in areas of the city and have threatened and tried to intimidate residents of neighborhoods who reported their activities to police.
Lane analogized the gang task force as an intervention in communities where gangs have taken root, selling drugs and recruiting area children to become involved in their activities.
"We are not waiting for Oklahoma City to have an out-of-control gang problem," Lane said. Tulsa, with a population smaller than Oklahoma City's, has a homicide rate that is three times larger, much of it gang related, he said.
"They have essentially taken over small parts of this city," Lane said. "Our message to gang members is this: We're coming for you."
Posted at 5/24/2006 09:00:00 AM