Although the Legislature adjourned without a budget agreement Friday, several bills were signed, many are awaiting the Governor's signature, and many died.
Bills Signed:
HB 2615: Stand Your Ground provides immunity from criminal prosecution or civil action for using justifiable deadly force.
SB 1742: Anti-abortion measures.
HB 2840: Kelsey Briggs law, reforms the state's child welfare.
Awaiting Governor's Signature
SB 1951: Extends the ban on funeral protests to within 500 feet of any place where a portion of a funeral service is held.
HB 2842: Would reform the state's Medicaid system.
SB 1577: Would plug a tax credit loophole that could cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars if left unchecked.
Died This Session
HB 3119: Would have required state employees to report illegal immigrants seeking state services to the federal authorities.
SB 1815: Would delay until 2008 when electronic campaign report filing would start.
HB 2158: Would require that children's books containing homosexual content and pervasively vulgar and sexually explicit material be shelved in the adult area of the library.
Posted at 5/30/2006 08:00:00 AM